See One, Do one, Teach One is a philosophy in the medical community. As a student of medicine you have worked hard a learned from your mentors. For some there comes a time when you have mastered and perfected your surgical skills and you want others to learn from your success. Social Media is becoming a platform to share medical knowledge. A MedFluencer™ is one with Medical knowledge who wants to share their experience on social Media. MedFluence Media™ was established to provide a platform for the MedFluencer™. Your knowledge and. Experience can not only build your community of followers but allows you to broadcast your message and success to help patients. Maybe your solutions reduce OR time. Your personal technique that you have established or how you use a Medical Device can be share in the community you have built. Promote a Medical Device that you believe in that helps patients and reduces Healthcare cost.

As a MedFluencer™ you can choose to use Affiliated Medical Marketing™ to generate revenue instead of just building a community of followers. LinkedIn is a great platform but MD Connect and OneVendor provide a resource for you to monetize from the solutions while reducing the cost to Healthcare. By joining you have a solution not only to build your community, spread your knowledge but a pathway to monetize your the skills you have worked hard to create. We can link your website to our community and build your brand together.